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Statement of Faith

God is.

God made everything.

God gave us a direct connection to His spirit.

God is love.

God loves us.

God is perfect.

We are not perfect.

God gave us liberty to make decisions.

We do not make perfect decisions.

God desires us to follow His loving ways.

God had to insulate His Spirit from our imperfections.

God desires to reconnect with us.

God came to the earth connected to a man named Jesus to teach us and reconnect with us.

When God left the earth as Jesus, He gave us the connection He made called the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a filter to insulate God from our imperfections, while allowing us to connect directly with Him.

God instructed us to believe in Him as Jesus and in return we would gain connection to Him through the Holy Spirit.

God instructed us to communicate with Him by calling Him Jesus, as an expression of our faith and understanding of His teachings.

God communicates His plans through the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is the word of God. The Bible tells the story of God's love for us and the lengths He goes to to reconnect with us including His future plans for a renewed world.

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